Monday: God created Heaven and Earth, and Day and Night.
Tuesday: He divided the waters and the firmament.
Wednesday: He created the grass, and the trees, made so the trees would produce fruits.
Thursday: He created the Sun, to rule the day, and the moon to rule the night, and the stars.
Friday: God created the whales and all the living creatures under the sea.
Saturday: God, said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth.
wow, Wow, WOW... Rewind...
Just the name makes me cringe.
I may be the only one who sometimes think... "well in my world..." For example: When I create a world, chocolate will NOT give any one zits, and will be part of the food pyramid. NO one will have a bad hair day. THERE will be no money involved. And now of course... NO CREEPING THINGS!
God could have saved some time, and not have made, roaches, and TICKS, and ants, and oh, THE SPIDERS.
Really no point on these thing being around in my mind...
God also created man on Saturday, I thought of getting rid of the day completely but I just could not give p the good things that comes with Saturdays.
Saturday: God, said: Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beasts of the earth.
wow, Wow, WOW... Rewind...
Just the name makes me cringe.
I may be the only one who sometimes think... "well in my world..." For example: When I create a world, chocolate will NOT give any one zits, and will be part of the food pyramid. NO one will have a bad hair day. THERE will be no money involved. And now of course... NO CREEPING THINGS!
God could have saved some time, and not have made, roaches, and TICKS, and ants, and oh, THE SPIDERS.
Can you see the size of this BEAST.
This creeping thing, was on the back of the house, and I found it when I was mowing last week.
Really no point on these thing being around in my mind...
God also created man on Saturday, I thought of getting rid of the day completely but I just could not give p the good things that comes with Saturdays.
Like baking Brownies with my kiddos,
Or relaxing, while eating all of my chocolate chips. (which if you remember, it's perfectly ok... Because it in the bottom of the food pyramid)
Having a sleep over with some good'ol friends.
Creating a masterpiece.
And over all... Just spending time with loved ones.