She is our little princess.
Don't be surprized by the collection of Head bands, I went over board with it. And as I had suspected MY GIRL IS BALD. Well everyone tells me she has tons of hair. But that is only because they have never seen Spencer When he was her age. It will be a few months before I can do piggy tails.... But it's okay her delicate little face makes up for her baldness. And she is just perfect.
Since we brought Stephanie home she has hated bath time, she has gotten better but if you take too long to dress her up she throws a fit.
Spring is comming!!! And the leaves are not going to fall off anymore, so we can clean it up. This past weekened we spend saturday raking and picking up leaves, it was a beautiful day to be outside. We got lots done, we are getting ready to plant our first garden in the back yard. I am so excited. I also found this big centipede, Spencer though it was the coolest. But he is my son and does not touch bugs. Which I am glad, because I remeber being in Florida and my little brother bringing a lizard in the house. I hope I don't have that problem.
We also went to church this past Sunday, and I had fun dressing my little doll.
It's been two weeks that we brought our little girl home. She is the best baby ever. I never hear her cry, just during bath time. I have to wake her up to eat. We came home the day after she was borne, I though Spencer was going to be super jealous. Since he ignored both me and her in the hospital, and all he wanted was DADDY. Almost as if I had betrayed him somehow. However we got home, he became very protective of her. He always wants to kiss and hug her, and if anyone says they are going to take her home. He tells them with a stern voice, "NO that's my baby sister"
We are doing well, and I am adjusting to have no time for ME. But it's all worth it. I just love my little munchkins. And Guess what... It is possible to love them both the same exact way!