4 Angels From Above

Instead of worrying about what our children will become tomorrow, remember that they are somebody today.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Thanks Captain Obvious...

Ok! I am the mother of 2 kids. And its not for the lack of trying that I don't have more... Even though some people may think I should stop. Today as I got up (dragged out of bed) the thought of staying home from church sounded like a very good plan. After all I don't get anything out of church anyways... Not because it is not true or good. But like I said... I am a mother of 2 kids, and on Sundays I might as well be a single mother of 2 kids. I did not want to let Satan win, so I got up and got ready, and my 2 kids ready ALLLLL by myself. I know I am not the only one who does this, but I am having a pity party right now. I went to church, and made it there own time. 

Just about 15 minutes into the first hour, my son says very loudly... 

Mommy!!!! You have to change Stephanie.... She stinks. 

First of all:
Thanks for announcing to every one.
and second I told him...
No honey she pooped at home she could not have done it again.

She was now standing on the pew and facing backwards.... as he pushes his little nose right into her butt and comes out with a mortified face... 

Yep!!! She STINKS... 

That was the first time we got out of the meeting today... 

Call me whatever you want, but I do not believe in taking kids outside when they are being bad and letting them run around. To me it's like rewarding them for being bad. They will catch on very quickly that all they have to do is cry and out to play they go. When I take my kids out... They get punished and  put in time out until they compose themselves and back in they go. I know it may be disturbing to some sometimes, but you know what... KIDS are part of Gods plan, and they are the only perfect ones in there. SOOOO deal with it.. 

Anyways we came out again for my daughter to get her spanking and time out... Yes she is only 16 months, but isn't there a scriptures that says train a child when she is young in the way she should go? 

Back in we go... and minutes later back out, More Spanking and back in. So yes right about now, I could strangle my husband for being up in the pulped and not having to help, and yes I could strangle my kids. And the thought of staying home today should have been acted upon.

So the meeting was finally over, I don't remember what the talks were about, I don't even remember who spoke. Because in between going out and in I was coloring, feeding snacks, Telling my son to stop pushing his sister, holding a cranky baby, picking up crayons that somehow ended up 3 pews ahead, and cleaning smooched, snacks off the floor. 

I knew my kids were a little crazy today... and IT IS NOT always like this. I am pretty good at keeping the quiet. But we had a bad day. I did not need anyone to point it out. But of course... there is always that one single crazy old lady in EVERY WARD. 

Oh my... Dear, your children were very vocal today! 

OH Thanks captain obvious... I have never even seen you in my life, but thanks for letting me know that I am a horrible mom, who has no control over her kids. Thank you, I had no idea they were loud, I will try duck tape next week.

Please tell me I am not the only who gets nothing out of church sometimes!!! 


  1. You crack me up Vanessa! I especially loved the duct tape part!

  2. Oh, man. I remember those days so well. And here I am on the other side. We used to sit on the back row, because it was easier to take them out quickly. And we never let them play out there~we sat them on our lap and they had to be still. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. It's kind of a crap shoot when they're that young. It'll get better...no really. I promise. I'm giving you a standing ovation for the concept of not letting Satan win. Take THAT, Beelzebub!

  3. You know I used to get my feelings hurt by the crazy old lady in every ward who has to say something about your kids being noisy. Until I realized that 1) they're usually just trying to make conversation, 2) they probably are remembering the days when THEY were the ones wrangling kids and 3) they just aren't used to that much noise (because usually they are fairly lonely). Once I saw that it was a little easier for me to shrug it off. You're a good mom- you were wrangling your kids in church not a strip club that's got to count for something, right?! lol Good luck, there are LOTS of days (especially when Tj was at training for 5 months) when I wondered why I made the effort to get to 9am church. Someday you'll look back and see the payoff in the sacrifice you're making.
