4 Angels From Above

Instead of worrying about what our children will become tomorrow, remember that they are somebody today.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

She cried for me tonight.

As I put you in bed tonight, I thought my shift was over for the day. I kissed your forehead and said night, night.
I left you there to sleep and went on to my nightly doings. 
Except tonight you did not sleep like you usually do. You cried! For way longer then I wanted to hear you.
As I stormed into your room, with all the intent of telling you to... "Stop crying and go to sleep,I have had it with you today."
Instead, something made me scoop you out of your crib, put a pillow on the floor and just snuggle you till you fell asleep. 
It was there holding your little body, caressing your soft hair, and smelling your sweet little neck that I realized you cried for me today.
How did you know I had a hard couple days? Have I been distant or dis attached? Did you see me cry this morning? 
I knew there on the floor that many nights you have needed me there, to calm you down, and hold your hand because you were afraid. But not today... Today I was the one who needed you. To show me, that no matter how hard things get and how unfair life may seam. As long as I have the love of my children, husband, and Savior. There will always be a chance for a better tomorrow. And if tomorrow sucks, I know you will be there for me again.
So thank you little angel, thank you for crying for me tonight. 
Mommy loves you, and always will. 


  1. What a sweet post V! I just cried for you too...but I'm sure I kinda needed it too. Those little Angels are so precious, Last night I laid down with Ella too, but just couldn't pull myself away. She just cuddled me all night. I hope today is a better day for you.

  2. Oh, how beautiful. Only a mother understands how you initially felt, and then how you responded when the spirit told you otherwise. You are a wise woman.

  3. How sweet! What a little angel you have there!

  4. this is heart warming. It made me re-think about bedtime for my kids. I love it.


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